Inaugural plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe in Strasbourg 19/06/2021
Some keywords and ideas from all over Europe:
We have to deliberate ideas; do the policy making; use the digital platform; what about European identity?; we are facing challenges- how can we emerge stronger from this crisis?; we have to listen and create the change; a new vision will unite us; we have to bring Europe closer to the citizens, to bring the work on the ground; the EU is a gift of peace; creating an emotional link with the citizens; we need a new narrative for Europe and to get out of the bubbles; we have to push for radical change; a social market policy that benefits people, not profit; we need a massive quality of job creation and leave nobody behind; a new bottom-up participation; to have a say individually; to focus on topics concerning the people; Europe is no old retired granny, but has a task; Europe needs to be refreshed; il faut entrer dans la démocratie moderne; considerare i Balcani occidentali; to ensure security ( defence, health, food and energy supply) for Europe; have a sustainable production; eine immer engere Union erreichen, Europa beginnt vor Ort; mit Selbstbewusstsein, Erfolge benennen und kennen; fair wages are expected; a bottom-up critical mass is needed; we have to think at persons with disabilities, formerly excluded from society; we have victims of iliberalism, f. ex. people fighting corruption; unanimity decides; where is the European Federal Republic?; organizing local events is very important; to keep up the freedom of movement, not take it for granted; wir brauchen Veränderungswillen; how to manage expectations of our citizens?;the Covid-crisis has a woman’s face; se sentir écouté et impliqué; civic space is in danger; Europa ist in Aufbruchsstimmung; words need to be followed by actions; make your word heard- it’s time to deliver!
( European Parliament, plenary session live)
Elisabeth Dittrich, AEDE Autriche & Europe
Inaugural plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe in Strasbourg 19/06/2021 , letzte Aktualisierung: .