Foto: Ursula von der Leyen : State of the Union    13.09.2023  Europäisches Parlament, Strasbourg

Ursula von der Leyen : State of the Union 13.09.2023 Europäisches Parlament, Strasbourg

Herzlichen Dank für die Einladung zum Event in das Haus der EU in Wien und für die darauffolgende  spannende Diskussion , moderiert von Corinna Milborn, PULS 4, mit folgenden Gästen: Martin Selmayr, Leiter der Vertretung der EC in Österreich; Vasyl Khymynets,Botschafter der Ukraine in Österreich; Helmut Brandstätter, NEOS; Johannes Lindner, Jacques Delors Centre; Ingrid Steiner-Gashi, KURIER; und Paul Schmidt, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE).

Die gesamte Rede der Kommissionspräsidentin finden Sie in den attaches- nachfolgend ein Auszug:


Honourable Members,

In just under 300 days, Europeans will take to the polls in our unique and remarkable democracy. As with any election, it will be a time for people to reflect on the State of our Union and the work done by those who represent them. But it will also be a time to decide on what kind of future and what kind of Europe they want.

Among them will be millions of first-time voters, the youngest of whom were born in 2008. As they stand in that polling booth, they will think about what matters to them. They will think about the war that rages at our borders. Or the impact of destructive climate change. About how artificial intelligence will influence their lives. Or of their chances of getting a house or a job in the years ahead.

Our Union today reflects the vision of those who dreamed of a better future  after World War II. A future in which a Union of nations, democracies and people would work together to share peace and prosperity.They believed that Europe was the answer to the call of history.

When I speak to the new generation of young people, I see that same vision for a better future. That same burning desire to build something better. The same belief that in a world of uncertainty, Europe once again must answer the call of history.

And that is what we must do together.(…)“

(Fotos EP, AEDE Österreich)

Elisabeth Dittrich, AEDE Österreich